The purpose of this blog is to analyze economic topics of current interest.
Comprehensive, holistic.
Analysis based on evidence. Avoid preconception, bias, prejudice, partisanship.
The primary data source are the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs), prepared by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. This data is supplemented by population and employment, monetary, and interest data from the Federal Reserve System.
Understanding of
· Components of the economy
· Economic cycles
· Fiscal and monetary policy
· Political and social issues
The other four pages in provide the following information.
Topic List
Lists the topics addressed in the blog, organized by subject.
Economic Sectors
Describes the seven sectors of the economy. Lists accounts by source and use for each sector.
Economic Accounts
Describes each economic account. Defines how calculated totals are calculated. Provides definitions for stuff.
Data Notes
Describes the data sources, time units, revisions, NIPA tables, types of estimates, seasonal adjustment, and annual rates.